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Thread: Stolen Items, Guy admitted stealing it, Anything i can do?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarieavo View Post
    I can't help but point out here that despite all the talk of being friendly and trying to be community based which I completely support, these two guys were very abusive to me even as I was asking them simply to tell me how it was against the rules so that if it indeed was, I could avoid doing so in the future. instead I got told things like "damn u dumb" and "cant wait till you get banned" as well as, "hope you spent money on this game" missing grammar and all, those are direct quotes of a small number of the things said by Matter and Random-SHEET respectively. The etiquette of these private servers isn't exactly spelled out anywhere but instead of a simple explanation, these players who you claim as part of your community chose to chastise and insult instead of a simple explanation when I literally told them that if they showed me where it was against the rules, I would give them their items back but instead, again, I was met with insults so I didn't give them back. Not to say that I won't, if the staff insists, I will do so but it seems to draw into question the standards that I'm apparently being held and they, seemingly, are not.
    Like acyroma said, when you break the rules and people see it as you stealing from them, of course expect to be met with hostility. If you were truly doing nothing wrong and were getting comments like this, it would be up to you to report it us, even in a PM to stay anonymous. That way we could take care of it and keep the community clean like we expect it and claim for it to be.

  2. #22
    Retired Staff Dante's Avatar
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    If I join a private game in bnet, seeing someone muling or just standing there with stuff on ground and I would pick it up, it would be theft for me and I would feel myself as a thief. Bnet may allow this because of the non existent nettiquette there, we wont. Because it's a private game after all, it's super obvious for everyone to not pick things up without asking. How can it be not obvious to you? You don't seem like a naive person to me, so come on, you are not playing fair here and you know it.

    In the end, it's not about the items in this case, you know we can refund them easily, it's about the behavior. You are punishing yourself with it and I don't know for what reason. I'd suggest you apologize for what you did, give the guy the stuff back, stop the unnecessary talk that is obviously on infant level and just go on.

    You didn't know, it's OK, take what we tell you and we can forget about it, thanks.

  3. #23
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    I remember one day i created an e/e game, then alt tab to join with another char. But there already have a e/e game. I entered a game transferring with gae bolg, frostfire, cow queen parts etc ... Even if it was awesome stuff, i didnt took anything caus if it was my items, i would really be sick if a random came to my game and took any of my stuff.
    And thats a point, before rules or anything : don't do to people something you don't want to happen to you.

    This may be common stuff for you. But for them i may be something they took time to get.
    Last edited by thessarill; 01-14-2016 at 10:24 PM.

  4. #24
    Junior Member
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    Sarieavo... what a Ban manner... we said we ll make 50/50 with the stolen stuff and you gave me NOTHING !!! i ll report you for that !
    [Troll mod off]
    i must admit that such a behavior stealing each other, bad talking must be banned from this community. We are few, we need to play with each other, help each other.
    There is absolutly NO EXCUSE for stealing stuff in a way... but let me tell you a story about this server:

    Once apon a time... Princess Caca joined a game with a weirdy name (like not cow/baal or trade style), she was bored this nigh and decide to join this public game to see what was happening there.
    So she joined thinking finding people to talk with or a prince that could marry her or somthing...
    Princess joined the game and see 2 people talking about stuff and other interesting shit. Prcs is shy but want to meet the people here and go for an "hi there" with here soooo beautiful smile "=)". Since she is shy, she waits for an answer because the 2 guys seem to be in a important discussion and she doesnt want to bother them. So she looks at her feet, waiting for an answer and there she saw that there were a lot of stuff on the ground, since she is curious and doesnt know every thing on annihilus kingdom, she decided to grab some thing from the ground she didnt know to watch the new lines and stuff... Not even a second after she took the object from the ground she heard some body yelling at Her " OMG GIB BACK THIS PRINCESSS !".
    Princess was sad because she though "those guys were anyway suspicious enought to watch me around their items, but they didnt even took time to say hello... :'(", but to be honest the first thing she really thought was: " What ? Ok son of noob first thing is "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi" ok ? then maybe if you learn how to be polite i will not put this bloody stuff i dont fucking care about because i dont play in a private server to rob people, but to meet nice people to play with , fakin BM child!!!"
    But of course she didnt say such a thing, she just said "oh , sorry i m kind of curious i just wanted to watch, what was the stuff".
    Princess says: Bye!
    Princess left our world
    If some one is courageous enough to read the whole story, he/she will understand that what i wanted to say is that people from the community could just help new people from the server, or just make them understand that they are welcome and that this is a community. Of course we are all there to play a video Game, and we all wana farm and so on, but sometimes a "hello" that coast actually nothing is welcome. So yeah maybe if some one that have troll tendencies comes into our community and feels like rejected by old players because they don't care or else, it can actually be like an aggression, and maybe this guys will tend more easily to act like an idiot.

    So... just saying , of course i will give absolutely no excuses for stealing some one else here... specially if he doesn't share the 50% OMFG !!!! "OMG SCREEN BAN"
    See you soon in game guys

    PS: ok i know my english is Horrible, just hope you'll understand at least the idea.

  5. #25
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    tbh can you close this thread now when he gave it back ? everyone is saying the same over and over again, game said he should give it back and its and of topic -.-

  6. #26
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    lol what a drama!

  7. #27
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    I've actually had something similar happen to me whilst doing inferno cow runs in private games. The thought had never even crossed my mind that someone would be scrolling through the list of games and attempting to guess the passwords. The guy that joined my game sent me a party request and got irate when I didn't respond instantly. I don't get offended easily so I just shrugged it off and started using a more complex password. You really have to wonder what people like that are hoping to accomplish. All I can figure is that they are looking for people to steal from. It may seem like stupid video game drama but we really should ban people who do shady stuff like this. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth and can drive away new players.

  8. #28
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    ban and /chpass will deal the problem

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