Hello guys

1. Name: Bojidar.. aka(bob) (in Bulgaria my name means god's gift)
2. Age: 24
3. Location: Bulgaria , Europe
4. General Moderating Experience: I got 0 experience, but long time ago i hosted my own private server(didn't last long )

Diablo Information:

5. Account in-game: Lord-
6. How long have you played Diablo II: I love this game from day 1 when i saw it and that is 12 years ago
7. PvPGN (private server) Moderating Experience: 0
8. Why do you feel like you would qualify as a Game Master and benefit the server:
I love playing and helping other players i wanna make some good epic events to make the new players interested to play. When i was a noob here it was so hard i was looking 3 days for mavina gloves and i know what it is to be new and most of all i wanna watch for the scammers that scam the new players and the trolls to keep them away from ruining the game.