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Thread: 3.2 Patch Notes

  1. #1

    3.2 Patch Notes

    Annihilus 3.2 Changelog:

    General Changes:

    • The map / puzzle system has been added! We've only added 2 new maps starting out, but we will expand on this likely every patch from now on. Monsters in hell have a small chance to drop mysterious items, with nothing on them but a quote / hint. These items can be cubed when certain requirements are met, opening portals to new levels and monsters. The Key to the Courts of Justice is a good example of this, so to prevent any confusion this item has been removed from the Gold Vendor and must be found. Just a heads up, the "riddle" to the Courts of Justice key is nothing compared to the new ones. Good luck!

    • New Inferno-type levels have been added. There are too many filler levels in Diablo II, and we tend to make good use of them. We have turned the following 3 filler levels into new Inferno levels: Stony Tomb, The Swampy Pits, and Icy Cellar. All 3 of them have new monsters, and a new Boss. Each level has a small chance to drop a new unique exclusive to each level. The Bosses have a much higher chance of dropping the new unique, but the normal monsters have a chance to drop them too, similar to The Cow Kingdom.

    • The first 2 existing Inferno levels (Hell Portals in Act 5) now also have a chance to drop their own exclusive uniques as well. There are no bosses in these levels, you will have to farm the normal monsters for a chance to find them! The third level has a chance to drop both items, due to having monsters from both levels.

    • The Damage Reduction cap has been increased to 75%, up from 50%. This should make it a much more valuable stat, and make certain skills not be so deadly, both in PvP and PvM.

    • Piercing mods (Such as -10% Enemy Lightning Resist) will now break immunities if it would bring the monster's resist to that element below 100. This is only for the player using the mod, and not other players around them. It also works at 100% effectiveness, so a monster with 109 lightning resist would lose immunity against -10% enemy lightning resist. KNOWN ISSUES: The new Magic and Physical piercing is not working as intended, we hope to have that fixed within a few days.

    • Annihilus (should) support almost all languages of the Diablo II client now.

    • Bow skills will no longer use Quantity on quivers. The chance for quivers to roll the Replenish Quantity mod has been removed.

    • When using Worldstone Fragments for the Worldstone Event, you now have a 50% chance to receive the Worldstone Core map with the Heart of Sanctuary portal, up from 25%.

    • Fixed a bug where Omega Mephisto would sometimes not drop his Worldstone Crystal.

    • Azathoth's Death Spear damage formula has been modified, and should no longer almost always kill you in one hit.

    • Sand-Dwellers in Crucible Level 13 have had their Bone Spirit / Spear damage greatly lowered.

    • Crucible Level 9 monsters no longer have a chance to incorrectly spawn behind the walls.

    • Crucible Level 19 monsters will now attack all at once.

    • The Lich King no longer has a 100% chance to drop his exclusive uniques. This change is probably a little late, but I went ahead and changed it so people are used to it by next ladder season.

    • Uber Tristram Bosses should no longer bug to 1 HP with 14+ players in-game.

    Skill Changes:


    • Whirlwind has been changed to function like it did in Classic Diablo II. This means it will always hit every 4 frames, regardless of attack speed.

    • Berserk now benefits from Increased Magic Damage on items.

    • Find Item can no longer be used on Deckard Cain and Uldyssian.

    • Death Spear now does 125% Weapon Damage up from 100%. This is just a small buff for now, multiple Cthulhu items will be changed / buffed in the next patch.


    • Murder of Crows and Ravens have been completely reworked. Murder of Crows is now a channel ability with massive life returned on hit, but also buffs Ravens based on what level it is (not just base level). Ravens are one of the main sources of damage for a Crow Druid now, and their AI has been completely reworked as well. Ravens now attack much faster, and no longer stop attacking targets after blinding them.

    • You can now cast Cyclone Armor while shapeshifted.


    • Concentration now also adds 1% Crushing Blow per level.


    • Thunder Storm has been buffed. It will now strike faster based on it's skill level, and now has Lightning as a Damage Synergy.

    • Nova's Charged Bolt damage synergy has been changed to Thunder Storm.

    • Frozen Orb has been greatly buffed. It now has many more damage synergies, lower cooldown, and no longer dies on collision.

    • Blizzard also received a minor buff. It has a lower cooldown, lower mana cost, and increased damage synergy.

    Item Changes:

    • The Rare Item system has been completely reworked. There are no longer mods that only spawn on magics and not rares, several new affixes have been added, and several existing ones have been buffed. Several item-types now receive affixes they did not previously receive as well. Rare Items have potential to have amazing stats now, good luck on your rolls!

    • Crafting has been modified as well. All of the recipes are the same, but the pre-determined craft stats have all been buffed and/or modified. They will also receive the new buffs from the rare system. Also for weapon crafting, it no longer requires a specific type of weapon. You can use weapon crafts on any type.

    • Scrolls of Rare Reroll at the Gold Vendor will no longer re-roll a rare's stats, instead it will turn a rare item into 3 new rares of the same Item Type / Item Level. So in other words, 1 Scroll gets you 3 rerolls! The price has been increased to accommodate this.

    • Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring has been buffed / modified. If you have an older version you can cube it for a 1-time free reroll to turn it into the new version. We will be doing this much more in the future when we change items, so people do not have to find them all over again.

    • The Shrieking Lich now requires much more FCR for each +1 All Skills. This item was just too strong, you could reach +7 All Skills with the right build. To make up for this nerf, the item has been buffed to roll 15-30% increased to all types of elemental damage, along with 15-30% magic piercing. You can cube the old version once for a 1-time free reroll. It will also save anything that was in the sockets, but unfortunately all enchants will be lost.

    • Sindragosa casted by Frostmourne has had it's animation changed, it is now much less graphic intensive.

    • Infernal Pearls will now properly spawn 491 poison damage on the poison charm, instead of 176-264.

    • Infernal Pearls no longer have a chance to spawn as a 15 life / 70 mana charm.

    • You may now cube 3 Enchantment Scrolls to reroll them into a new random Enchantment.

    • Trag'Oul's Full Set now gives +1 Teleport.

    • Khalim's Hope now casts Nephalem Flames when struck by a physical attack, instead of any damage taken.

    • Fixed an issue where Short Circuit was actually lowering Nova's damage when it converted it to Physical.

    • Fixed an issue preventing the Splash Damage Enchant from working on Weapons.

    And I think that is it! AS ALWAYS there is definitely a chance of bug(s) in this patch, please PM them to me if you find any! There are a few things that I just couldn't get done in time for 3.2, such as Trap buffs / changes. Assassins will be getting a lot of love either in 3.3 or 3.4, this includes a reworked Martial Arts tree and buffs to Traps. There are many other things I'd like to get done, but I needed to get this patch out this month as I know you all have been waiting a long time. A lot of you are also rallying for a PvP-based patch, and I ensure you it is coming. I have no details to release yet but we will find a way for people to enjoy PvP without having to worry "overpowered" skills or items.

    Thanks to everyone for playing and being so patient with us! We will continue to improve and add to Annihilus as long as there are people who support us and play here! While I am thinking about it, we've also updated the site theme. I hope you all like it! If you'd like to change back to the old theme, you can change it at the bottom left. Lastly, I noticed the Gold Purchasing discount stops increasing after 10,000 Gold / $70, I will be adding even more bulk discounts beyond those either today or tomorrow! So thanks to the select few who are able to spend that much, you are a big reason I find more time than I probably should to work on content updates. I love you all

    HOTFIX March 30th 2016:

    • Magic and Physical Pierce now properly work, and will also break immunities like the other elements!

    • Ctoggha will no longer fly over unwalkable areas, sometimes preventing him/her from dropping their loot.

    • The drop rate of all new "maps / puzzles" has been lowered. I let it run a full 2 days to see how many dropped, and the number was just too high for my liking. I wanted the items they dropped to be valuable, not common. I will keep an eye on this, if they still drop too much or don't drop enough I can easily adjust it some more.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Mephisto

    First! GG

  3. #3
    Junior Member norp's Avatar
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  4. #4
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    Annihilus Account: thessarill

    NIce job, as usual !!! Impatient to try the new inferno area and crafting system!!

  5. #5
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    Annihilus Account: Acculla

    That's awesome! thanks for all your time and effort. I'm absolutely hooked!

  6. #6
    Junior Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Mana

    I will be online in 2 hours, unfortunately my download speed is horrible here. 3k in 2 minutes... 150k total.

    3k x 58 minutes/2 = 78k so 2 hours?

    at 20k right now
    Last edited by Scotty; 03-27-2016 at 10:58 AM. Reason: updating cause bored

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Annihilus Account: acyroma

    Awesome! I'll be on in a few hours!

  8. #8
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: Equalibrium

    massive ty to game and the team for there hard work.
    im sure it is very much appreciated by all of the community.
    Give the respect you expect.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: diablor

    What a great present at the end of my naptime. Hyped!

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: diablor

    Do these mysterious clue items get filtered out by the advanced item filter?

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