imo its just a question of... char building and inestissement. i am kind of in the same situation, even if i started to play feqw months ago...
but trust me your necro WONT be able to do much, BUT he can EASELY do PL, do like we all did farm it , with lichking again and again, get frost mourne and sets...
then you can do uber cow, of course you wont kill the Rlyeh boss... unless you ll do a pala, smiter to kill it and get Boxes, that you will be able to open for free when some one will open a cthulu.
with that same smiter you will be able to make plaguelands, you cant do all 4 bosses because of lake of stuff? Right make an java then, with comon stuff and some time you can do 2 boss with java and the 2 other with pala.
Got it ? then make few hell cow with your java//necro to get some HR to make few rw.... thats kinda it, then it will become harder to get good chars to make crucibles and new area....i am at this point... but because i am lazy to make chars to be able to make solo crucible, and die and try hard again ... maybe so hard you
GL dude!