68/190 2os alma negra
18/11/131 griffons
tgods 175
+4 venom cerebus
151 ETH titans
109 ed os arreats
12/19/6 nightwing
eth 2os ravenlore 24atr 18 res
7 frw pala offense gc monster gfx
45 life fire eye gfx
java gc dna gfx

20 ed 3 dex jewel lvl 9 req red
15 ed lvl 9 req yellow
2x 15 ias jewels
2x -15 req jewels

lightsabre pb
nosferatut coil

eth crown shield (up once for vortex 6 edef 34 res
eye of etlich
Armageddon slippers
8/181/7/16 raven
9/188/6/17 raven
8/158/9/17 raven
189 jalals
199 erreats
shadow gc monster gfx
2x ik helms
ik boots
nat helm
aldur helm
27 dr 46 mf gaze

FULL nats set
storm hide
195 tgods

4os 136 def mon
eth non ebug 4os 222 def mon
eth troll nest clean
3os 53 def diadem
5os cs
5os eth flail
5os sup flail
15% durability 3 os archon plate
6 ed 4os sup scarab
4 os 411 def dusk
gris helm 2 sock
gris shield 3 sock
nat helm
nat helm
ik gloves ik boots
laying of hands
dangoons teaching (ctc amp)